Proud Supporter of Black Owned Business

Sheboygan Area
Black Owned Businesses

Welcome to our Black-Owned Businesses page, dedicated to promoting and supporting the vibrant entrepreneurial spirit within the Black-American community. Here, you will find a growing collection of businesses that are self-identified to us.

We serve as a conduit, providing a platform for these businesses to showcase their products and services. It is important to note that we do not endorse or verify the operations or quality of these businesses ourselves. However, we strive to maintain an updated and accurate listing by actively encouraging feedback from our users. If you come across any businesses that are no longer viable or have any concerns, please inform us so we can promptly address the situation.

If you would like to submit a business for consideration on our platform, we invite you to use the button below. Together, let's support and uplift these entrepreneurial endeavors that contribute to the growth and prosperity of the Black-American community.

Submit Your Business